"I meet a lot of people with great Dreams. For many it is a Dream to own their own home without a mortgage. For others it is a Dream to start their own business, to be free from an existing job they are not satisfied with. Some people simply want to travel the world or be free to sit under a tree and play a guitar. Most people I meet have a million dollar idea they would love to bring to fruition, but neither the time nor the resources to make it happen. Other people have described to me their frustration with being trapped in a way of life they do not believe in and how they Dream of living a more sustainable lifestyle. Nearly everyone I meet is too busy treading water, trying to stay afloat among the bills and debt to even think about their Dreams anymore. Like a mantra, I hear people say it over and over again: 'I know I could break free if I could just make a little more money.' That idea is one of the grand illusions of the universe."
--Thomas J. Elpel
Escaping the Job Trap
Green University® LLC Partners
Be part of the Green Solution!
Green Business Partners: Would you like to be involved in developing green products, services and businesses without coming to Montana? Great! There are ways we can work together long-distance, especially on database or website related projects. Please contact us so we can start working together.
Volunteers: Would you like to help bring about our vision for a better world? Volunteers are always welcome, either locally with projects such as developing the Jefferson River Canoe Trail or remotely via computer with projects such as website development or grant writing. Of course, good advice is always appreciated too! Please contact us to be part of the solution!
Funding Partners: Donations: Are you greatly inspired by our mission and our methods? We will gladly accept donations from anyone who wants to help change the world. Green University® isn't currently set up as a charitable non-profit organization, but if you want to throw some money this way, we can always find a way to make it work. Our non-profit organization, the Jefferson River Canoe Trail, is currently working to raise funds to buy backcountry campsites for conservation and public recreation. In the future Green University® would like to acquire a local ranch to expand our campus facilities. If you would like to support our efforts with a donation, please contact us. Thanks!
Funding Partners: Venture Capital: Would you like to invest in promising ecopreneurs with promising ideas to earn a green return on your money? Most of the time we avoid expenses and debts like the plague, yet there are certain green enterprises which require more up-front investment money than we have available. Please contact us if you would like to invest in one of our green business projects, and we'll discuss the possibilities.
Link Partners: We would like to trade links with green businesses and organizations or individuals with a similar mission to ours. Please contact us if you would like to be our link partner.
Other Green Colleges and Universities: institutions with an environmental curriculum include:
Green Career Training:
Green Business/Sustainable Living Organizations and Events
Alternative Institutions: courses and internships in sustainable living:
Green Business/Sustainable Living Organizations and Events
Did you know? Former Green University® LLC students comprised the majority of the crew for the Missouri River Corps of Rediscovery:
 Five Months on the Missouri River Paddling a Dugout Canoe |
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