Bow Building / Master Archer Class
with Tony Pike
Pony, Montana
+/- June 18 - 24, 2025
Take your archery skills to the next level! Join special guest instructor Tony Pike from Ancient Wisdom Survival School for this week-long deep dive into making your own bow and arrows. Learn all you need to know from stave selection, design, tillering, arrow, and string building to tuning and shooting. Step-by-step hands-on training will help you craft quality hunting gear and give you the confidence to build future bows and arrows on your own.
  Limit: 10 students. Priority goes to our semester or year-long Immersion students.
About the Instructor
Tony Pike is the founder of Ancient Wisdom Survival School and has been teaching survival skills for over two decades. He grew up in a family that lived a lifestyle of self-reliance, a fact he directly attributes to his intense passion for thriving in a minimalist environment. The youngest of 5 siblings, Tony helped his dad trap, hunt, and fish from a very early age, and takes pride in the fact that he helped feed his family as a young boy.
Because of this self-reliant lifestyle he soon developed a deep respect for the ways of the Native Americans' ability to live off the land. He found his first arrowhead at age 7, at which time he became fascinated by seeing how such beautiful creations could be crafted from simple rocks. He went on to explore many primitive skills from that point in his childhood until today. Tony Pike teaches classes throughout the U.S. Much of his free time is spent with experimental and amateur archeology.
The cost for this seven-day experience is $650. To register, please fill out and mail in the Medical History (PDF) and Liability Waiver and Release (PDF) forms, along with a check for $250 to reserve your spot. The balance can be paid upon arrival. Or register online through the shopping cart system and send the paperwork separately.
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