Foundations of Herbalism
Intensive Workshop
with Shelby Kolar
River Camp: Cardwell, Montana
Friday - Monday January 26 - 29, 2026
Do you want to learn how to use the plants around you for healing and supporting wellbeing? Join us for a four-day intensive with herbalist Shelby Kolar!
Class Topics:
- Basic terminology, energetics, and history of western herbalism
and its applications.
- How to ethically and safely harvest wild foods and medicines. We will talk about how to assess a stand of plants for safety and harvestability, how to harvest in a way that helps the plants rather than harming them, and expressing gratitiude.
- How to make herbal tinctures using both maceration and percolation
methods, how tinctures are used, and why we use them.
- How to make medicinal infusions and decoctions in water, and how to
apply them topically as poultices, fomentations, wound washes, and
soaks, as well as teas for drinking.
- How to make herbal infused oils and salves for topical use
- Medicine Cabinet Musts and First Aid Kits: Learn what herbs and supplements are helpful to keep on hand in your home, as well as in your car or camping gear when traveling!
- Supporting the Nervous System: The fast-paced modern world demands much from us to keep up. Learn how to support the functioning of your nervous system,
build resilience to stress, increase energy, uplift mood, improve sleep and calm anxiousness. We will learn about the plants that can help and how to choose the right ones for you based on their individual superpowers!
- Wintertime plant walk: Meet some of our herbal friends during the dormant season.
We will be tasting herbs in the form of teas, tinctures, and fresh plants and using our senses to understand what the plants are doing in our bodies throughout the class.
Please bring lunch plus a mug for tea and supplies to take notes.
No Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco
Green University®: LLC is a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free learning establishment. Our staff maintains a sober environment for individuals who are excited about nurturing a deeper nature connection. Anyone distracted with alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other drugs is not focused on learning or optimizing their experience at Green University® LLC. Therefore, we have a zero tolerance policy for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in any form. Anyone violating this rule will be asked to leave. This is not a joke. Please read this paragraph again before signing up. Thank you.
Cost: $225. Class time: 10am to 4pm with a 1 hour lunch break. Register online here:
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